Friday, 11 December 2009

Illustration Friday: Hatch


  1. Clever! Nice drawing and good insulation!

  2. Very good, love the interpretation of the subject. I really like.

  3. Brilliant!
    (Now feeling nostalgic for my Starsky cardi...)

  4. Hello & thanks Connie, tartan, Mary & Gavin! I keep meaning to find the time to join 'Swill' Mary, as I'm not too far away - maybe next year. That cardi - used to have one very similar myself in the 70's - great for sliding over cars:-)

  5. that is extremely cool! I gave up my cardi when I moved to Oz - I miss it. Is it wrong that my mum looks a bit like him in this pic?
    Nice work

  6. Thanks Alex - When I googled the ref pic I stumbled across someone who had knitted their own Starsky cardi. Do you knit? Just an idea ;-)
    It's probably wrong on my part that my picture of Starsky looks like your mum!
